Today is day #2 of my new diet. Yesterday was day #1. I spent a good part of the morning yesterday preparing a few days worth of food. I did not get to prepare my greens or beef though and ended up too busy with my business and forgot to eat my last two meals. Yesterday the diet seemed easy. The foods weren't too bad mixed with some allowed additives such as cinnamon and garlic. The plain oatmeal was tough to get down but I was also in a hurry as my daughter was needing my attention. It was tough to keep up on the water intake but I came pretty close. Even with skipping the last two small meals I went to bed feeling satisfied and woke up still feeling satisfied.
I was exhausted this morning and had absolutely no energy. As soon as I was woken up both my daughters were up wanting to be fed. Before I knew it it was 10:30 am, I had been up for three hours and not eaten or exercised. I also was starting to have some stomach pains. I didn't feel so hot and I didn't really want to eat anything. I kept up with the water intake but couldn't even think about the foods on my list to eat. I ate a handful of oyster crackers (not on the diet) and then became so busy with my two fussy girls that I forgot to eat again.
I've been having lots of tummy problems today. When the girls went down for their nap I could have eaten then but I wasn't feeling hungry and I was very exhausted so I took a snooze also. Upon waking I finally felt hungry. My daughter was starving (as she usually is after waking from a nap) and just the smell of peanut butter as I made a sandwich was driving me nuts. When the hint of the peanuty goodness hit my nose I wanted to quit right then and there. This is where my weakness for food usually overtakes my will to lose weight. As soon as I am uncomfortable or unhappy in what I'm eating and I see or smell yummy food that someone else has, I cave. Not this time!
I licked my fingers after I gave my daughter her sandwich and I thought, "O no! Sugar! I'm not supposed to have that!" That's when I decided I can't give up. Especially not so early! I HAVE to give this a good chance. My friend thinks that perhaps my body is draining the fat out. That could be it. I think I may have also caught a bug of some sorts since I'm so lethargic and not hungry. The bathroom part is probably my bodies reaction (I won't go into that. :)
So my first reaction was to cave and stuff my face. I overcame my first moment of weakness.
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